Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cerita Seks Kenangan Ngentot Sama Cindy Yang Manis

Cerita seks ini adalah sebuah ngentot 17 tahun yang dialami oleh salah satu teman saya yang memang benar terjadi. Cerita ini menjadi sebuah hal yang nyata bagi pecinta cerita ngentot maupun yang lainya. Kenangan ngentot sama cindy yang manis adalah aku lakukan karena setiap hari aku melihat dia sedang mandi dengan keindahan tubuh mulus putih jadi aku gak tahan lagi dengan si dia. Aku akrab dengan Cindy karena ia adalah cucu dari ibu kostku. Cindy lebih tua 2 tahun dan dia anak Surabaya, sedang kuliah di Bandung hanya beda kampus denganku. Yang aku tahu, kedua orangtuanya sudah pisah ranjang selama dua tahun (tapi tidak bercerai) dan Cindy ikut tinggal bersama neneknya (ibu kostku) ketika ia masuk kuliah.Mungkin terlalu panjang kalo kuceritakan bagaimana prosesnya hingga kami berpacaran. Aku beruntung punya cewek seperti dia yang wajahnya sangat cantik (pernah dia ditawarin untuk menjadi model), segala yang diidamkan pria melekat pada dia. Kulitnya yang putih, hidung bangir, matanya yang indah dan bening, rambut ikal serta tubuhnya yang padat.. Aku juga nggak tahu kenapa ibu kost menerimaku untuk nge-kost dirumahnya padahal yang kost di rumahnya adalah cewek semua. Mungkin karena ngeliat tampangku seperti orang baik-baik kali ya (hehehe)…Pada awal kami berpacaran , Cindy termasuk pelit untuk urusan mesra-mesraan. Jangankan untuk berciuman, minta pegang tangannya saja susahnya minta ampun! Padahal aku termasuk orang yang hypersex, dan aku sering kali melakukan onani untuk melampiaskan nafsu seksku, hingga sekarang. Aku bisa melakukan onani sampai tiga kali sehari. Setiap kali fantasi dan gairah seksku datang, pasti kulakukan kebiasaan jelekku itu. Entah dikamar mandi menggunakan sabun, sambil nonton VCD porno dan seringnya sambil tiduran telungkup di atas kasur sambil kugesek-gesekkan penisku. Aku merasakan nikmat setiap orgasme onani.Back to story, sejak aku dan Cindy resmi jadian, baru dua minggu kemudian dia mau kucium pipinya. Itu pun setelah melalui perdebatan yang panjang, akhirnya ia mau juga kucium pipinya yang mulus itu, dan aku selalu ingin merasakan dan mengecup lagi sejak saat itu.Hingga pada suatu malam, ketika waktu menunjukkan pukul setengah sepuluh, aku, Cindy dan Desi (anak kost yang lain) masih asyik menonton TV di ruang tengah. Sementara ibu kostku serta 3 anak kost yang lain sudah pergi tidur.
Kami bertiga duduk diatas permadani yang terhampar di ruang tengah. Desi duduk di depan sementara aku dan Cindy duduk agak jauh dibelakangnya. Lampu neon yang menyinari ruangan selalu kami matikan kalau sedang menonton TV.
Biar tidak silau kena mata maksudnya. Atau mungkin juga demi menghemat listrik. Yang jelas, cahaya dari TV agak begitu samar dan remang-remang.
Desi masih asyik menonton dan Cindy yang disampingku saat itu hanya mengenakan kaos ketat dan rok mini matanya masih konsen menonton film tersebut. Sesekali saat pandangan Desi tertuju pada TV, tanganku iseng-iseng memeluk pinggang Cindy. Entah Cindy terlalu memperhatikan film hingga tangannya tidak menepis saat tanganku memeluk tubuhnya yang padat. Dia malah memegang rambutku, dan membiarkan kepalaku bersandar di pundaknya. Terkadang kalo pas iklan, Cindy pura-pura menepiskan tanganku agar perbuatanku tidak dilihat Desi. Dan saat film diputar lagi, kulingkarkan tanganku kembali.“I love you, honey….” Bisikku di telinganya.Cindy menoleh ke arahku dan tanpa sepengetahuan Desi, ia mendaratkan ciumannya ke pipiku. Oh my God, baru pertama kali aku dicium seorang cewek, tanpa aku minta pula. Situasi seperti ini tiba-tiba membuat pikiranku jadi ngeres apalagi saat Cindy meremas tanganku yang saat itu masih melingkar di pinggangnya, dan matanya yang sayu sekilas menoleh ke arah Desi yang masih nongkrong di depan TV. Aman, pikirku. Apalagi ditambah ruangan yang hanya mengandalkan dari cahaya Tv, maka sesekali tanganku meremas payudara Cindy.Cindy menggelinjang, sesekali menahan nafas. Lutut kanannya ditekuk, hingga saat tangan kiriku masuk ke dalam daster bagian bawah yang agak terbuka dari tadi, sama sekali tidak diketahui Desi. Mungkin ia konsen dengan film, atau mungkin juga ia sudah ngantuk karena kulihat dari tadi sesekali ia mengangguk seperti orang ketiduran.Ciumanku kini sedikit menggelora, menelusuri leher Cindy yang putih mulus sementara tangan kiriku menggesek-gesekkan perlahan vagina Cindy yang masih terbungkus celana dalam. Ia mendesah dan mukanya mendongak ke atas saat kurasakan celana dalamnya mulai basah dan hangat. Mungkin ia merasakan kenikmatan, pikirku.Tanganku yang mulai basah oleh cairan vagina Cindy buru-buru kutarik dari dalam roknya, ketika tiba-tiba Desi bangkit dan melihat ke arah kami berdua. Kami bersikap seolah sedang konsen nonton juga.“Aku ngantuk. Tidur duluan ya….. nih remote-nya!” ujar Desi sambil menyerahkan remote TV pada Cindy.Desi kemudian masuk ke kamarnya dan mengunci pintu dari dalam. Aku yang tadi agak gugup, bersorak girang ketika Desi hanya pamitan mau tidur. Aku pikir dia setidaknya mengetahui perbuatanku dengan Cindy. Bisa mati aku. Cindy yang sejak tadi diam (mungkin karena gugup juga) matanya kini tertuju pada TV. Aku tahu dia juga pura-pura nonton, maka saat tubuhnya kupeluk dan bibirnya kucium dia malah membalas ciumanku.“Kita jangan disini Say, nanti ketahuan….” Bisiknya diantara ciuman yang menggelora.Segera kubimbing tangan Cindy bangkit, setelah mematikan TV dan mengunci kamar Cindy, kuajak dia ke kamar sebelah yang kosong. Disini tempatnya aman karena setiap yang akan masuk ke kamar ini harus lewat pintu belakang atau depan.Jalan kami berjingkat supaya orang lain yang telah tertidur tidak mendengar langkah-langkah kami atau ketika kami membuka dan menutup kunci dan pintu kamar tengah dengan perlahan.Setelah kukunci dari dalam dan kunyalakan lampu kamar kuhampiri Cindy yang telah duduk di tepi ranjang.“Aku cinta kamu, Cindy…..” ujarku ketika aku telah duduk disampingnya.Mata Cindy menatapku lekat.. Sejenak kulumat bibirnya perlahan dan Cindy pun membalas membuat lidah kami saling beradu.Nafas kami kembali makin memburu menahan rangsangan yang kian menggelora. Desahan bibirnya yang tipis makin mengundang birahi dan nafsuku. Kuturunkan ciumanku ke lehernya dan tangannya menarik rambutku. Nafasnya mendesah. Aku tahu dia sudah terangsang, lalu kulepaskan kaosnya.Payudaranya yang padat berisi ditutupi BH berwarna merah tua. Betapa putih kulitnya, mulus tak ada cacat. Kemudian bibir kami pun berciuman kembali sementara tanganku sibuk melepaskan tali pengikat BH, dan sesaat kemudian kedua payudaranya yang telah mengeras itu kini tanpa ditutupi kain sehelai pun.Kuusap kedua putingnya, dan Cindy pun tersenyum manja.“Ayo Yan, lakukanlah….” Ujarnya.Tak kusia-siakan kesempatan ini, dan mulai kujilati payudaranya bergantian. Sementara tangan Cindy membantu tanganku melepaskan kemeja yang masih kukenakan. Kukecup putingnya hingga dadanya basah mengkilap. Betapa beruntungnya aku bisa menikmati semua yang ada ditubuhnya. Tangan kananku yang nakal mulai merambah turun masuk ke dalam roknya, dan kugesek-gesekkan pelan di bibir vaginanya. Cindy menggelinjang menahan nikmat, sesekali tangannya juga ikut digesek-gesekkan kesekitar vaginanya sendiri.Bibirnya mendesah menahan kenikmatan. Matanya terpejam, Sebentar kemudian vaginanya mulai sedit basah. Dan kami pun mulai melepaskan celana kami masing-masing hingga tubuh kami benar-benar polos. Betapa indahnya tubuh Cindy, apalagi ketika kulihat vaginanya yang terselip diantara kedua selangkangannya yang putih mulus.“Wah.. punyamu oke Cindy, Ok’s banget…” ujarku terpanaBegitu mulus memang,ditambah dengan bulu-bulu lebat disekitar bagian sensitifnya.“Burungmu juga besar dan bertenaga. Aku suka Yan….” Balasnya sambil tangannya mencubit pelan kemaluanku yang sudah tegak dari tadi.“Come on Honey….” Pintanya menggoda.Aku tahu Cindy sudah begitu terangsang maka kemudian kusuruh Cindy berbaring di atas kasur. Dan aku baringkan tubuhku terbalik, kepalaku berada di kakinya dan sebaliknya(posisi 69). Kucium ujung kakinya pelan dan kemudian ciumanku menuju hutan lebat yang ada diantara kedua selangkangannya. Kukecup pelan bibir vaginanya yang sudah basah, kujilat klitorisnya sementara mulut Cindy sibuk mengocok-ngocok kemaluanku.Bibir vaginanya yang merah itu kulumat habis tak tersisa. Ehm, betapa nikmatnya punyamu Cindy, pikirku. Ciumanku terus menikmati klitoris Cindy, hingga sekitar vaginanya makin basah oleh cairan yang keluar dari vaginanya.Kedua jari tanganku aku coba masukkan lubang vaginanya dan kurasakan nafas Cindy mendesah pelan ketika jariku kutekan keluar masuk.“Ahh… nikmat Yannn…ahhhh…” erangnya.Kugesek-gesekkan kedua jariku diantara bibir klitorisnya dan Cindy makin menahan nikmat. Selang 5 menit kemudian kuhentikan gesekkan tanganku, dan kulihat Cindy sedikit kecewa ketika aku menghentikan permainan jariku.
“Jangan sedih Say, aku masih punya permainan yang menarik, okay?”“Oke. Sekarang aku yang mengatur permainan ya?” ujarnya.Aku mengangguk.Jujur saja, aku lebih suka kalau cewek yang agresif.Cindy pun bangkit, dan sementara tubuhku masih terbaring di atas kasur.“Aku di atas, kamu dibawah, okay? Tapi kamu jangan nusuk dulu ya Say?”Tanpa menunggu jawabanku tubuh Cindy menindih tubuhku dan tangan kanannnya membimbing penisku yang telah berdiri tegak sejak tadi dan blessss…….ah,Cindy merasa bahagia saat seluruh penisku menembus vaginanya dan terus masuk dan masuk menuju lubang kenikmatan yang paling dalam. Dia mengoyang-goyangkan pantatnya dan sesekali gerakannya memutar, bergerak mundur maju membuat penisku yang tertanam bergerak bebas menikmati ruang dalam “gua”-nya.Cindy mendesah setiap kali pantatnya turun naik, merasakan peraduan dua senjata yang telah terbenam di dalam surga.Tanganku meremas kedua payudara Cindy yang tadi terus menggelayut manja. Rambutnya dibiarkan tergerai diterpa angin dingin yang terselip diantara kehangatan malam yang kami rasakan saat ini. Kubiarkan Cindy terus menikmati permainan ini. Saat dia asyik dengan permainannya kulingkarkan tanganku dipinggangnya dan kuangkat badanku yang terbaring sejak tadi kemudian lidah kami pun beradu kembali.“Andainya kita terus bersama seperti ini, betapa bahagianya hidupku ini Cindy ” bisikku pelan“Aku juga, dan ku berharap kita selalu bersama selamanya..”Sepuluh menit berlalu, kulihat gesekan pinggang Cindy mulai lemah. Aku tahu kalau dia mulai kecapekan dan aku yang mengambil inisiatif serangan. Kutekan naik turun pinggangku, sementara Cindy tetap bertahan diam. Dan suara cep-clep-clep… setiap kali penisku keluar masuk vaginanya.“Ahh terusss Yannnnn….terusss…nikmattttt…ahh…ahhhh….” hanya kalimat itu yang keluar dari mulut Cindy, dan aku pun makin menggencarkan seranganku.Ingin kulibas habis semua yang ada dalam vaginanya. Suara ranjang berderit, menambah hot permainan yang sedang kami lakukan. Kutarik tubuh Cindy tanpa melepaskan penisku yang sedang berlabuh dalam vaginanya dan kusuruh dia berdiri agar kami melakukan gerakan sex sambil berdiri.“Kamu punya banyak style ya say?” katanya menggoda.“Iya dong, demi kepuasan kamu juga” jawabku sambil mulai menggesek-gesekan penisku kembali.“Ahh teruss…terusss……” desah Cindy ketika penisku berulang kali menerobos vaginanya.Kupeluk tubuh Cindy erat sementara jari tangan kirinya membelai lembut bulu-bulu vaginanya, dan sesekali membantu penisku masuk kembali setiap kali terlepas. Keringat membasahi tubuh kami. Lehernya yang mulus kucium pelan, sementara nafas kami mulai berdegup kencang.“Yan, keteteran nih, mau klimaks. Jangan curang dong….”“Oke, tahan dulu Cindy” dan kucabut batang penisku yang telah basah sejak tadi.Kusuruh Cindy nungging di ranjang, sementara tanganku mengarahkan penisku yang telah siap masuk kembali. Dan kumasukkan sedikit demi sedikit hingga penisku ambles semua ke dalam surga yang nikmat.“Ah…tekan Yan…enaaaakkkkk…terusssss Yannn….” Erangnya manja setiap kali penisku menari-nari di dalam vaginanya.Tanganku memegang pinggangnya agar gerakanku teratur dan penisku tidak terlepas,.“Ohh…nikmat sekali Yan….teruss….terusss……” desahnya.Betapa nikmatnya saat-saat seperti ini…dan terus kuulang sementara mulut kami mendesah merasakan kenikmatan yang teramat sangat setiap kali penisku mempermaikan vaginanya.“Yan….aku mo keluar nih…..udah ngga tahan….ahhh….ahhhh….” ujar Cindy tiba-tiba.“Tahan Cin, aku juga hampir sampai….” aku menekan-nekan penisku kian cepat,sehingga suara ranjang ikut berderit cepat.Dan kurasakan otot-otot penisku mengejang keras dan cairan spermaku berkumpul dalam satu titik.“Aku keluar sekarang Cin….” penisku kucabut dari lubang vaginanya dan Cindypun seketika membalikkan badan dan menjulurkan lidahnya, mengocok-ngocok batang penisku yang kemerahan dan saat kurasakan aku tak mampu menahan lagi kutaruh penisku diantara kedua belah payudaranya dan kedua tangan Cindy pun menggesek-gesekkan payudaranya yang menjepit batang kemaluanku dan….croott…crooottt… spermaku jatuh disekitar dada dan lehernya Sebagian tumpah diatas sprei.
Cindy menjilati penisku membersihkan sisa-sisa spermaku yang masih ada.“Kamu ternyata kuat juga Say, aku hampir tak berdaya dihadapanmu” kubelai rambut Cindy yang sudak acak-acakan tak karuan.“Aku juga ngga nyangka kamu sehebat ini Yan….”desahnya manja .Waktu sudah menunjukkan setengah satu malam Dan setelah kami istirahat sekitar lima belas menit, kami memakai pakaian kami kembali dan membereskan tempat tidur yang sudah berantakan. Dan tak lama kemudian kami pun pergi tidur dikamar masing-masing melepaskan rasa lelah setelah kami ‘bermain” tadi.Begitulah kisahku dengan Cindy, setiap hari kami selalu melakukannya setiap kali kami ingin dan ada kesempatan. Kami melakukannya di kamar sebelah kalau malam hari, kamar kostku, atau bahkan dikamar mandi (sambi mandi bareng disaat rumah kost kosong hanya ada kami berdua).Hingga pada suatu hari Cindy harus pindah ke luar kota ikut kedua orang tuanya yang telah berbaikan lagi. Aku benar-benar kehilangan dia, dan ingin kuterus bersamanya. Pernah beberapa kali kususul ke tempatnya yang baru dan kami melakukannya berkali-kali di hotel tempat kami menginap.Tanggal 27 November 1998, tiba-tiba kuterima surat dari Cindy yang mengabarkan bahwa ia akan menikah dengan orang yang dipilihkan orang tuanya dan aku benar-benar kehilangan dia…..Sekarang, setiap kali aku melakukan masturbasi, fantasiku selalu melayang mengingat saat-saat terindah kami melakukan hubungan seks pertama kali dikamar sebelah itu. Ingin rasanya aku ulangi saat-saat indah itu…

Stalker Cause For Jennifer Aniston Feared

An alleged stalker, Jason R. Peyton caused for Jennifer Aniston feared. Jason R. Peyton travelled cross-country in a delusional attempt to marry her. She has received a temporary restraining order against 24-year-old Peyton.

The 'Bounty Hunter' star's lawyers obtained a temporary restraining order 0n 20 July, 2010 at a court in Santa Monica to protect her from Jason R. Peyton, who was arrested after spending days trying to find the actress on Sunset Boulevard, California.

She stated: "Mr. Peyton has aggressively sought to have personal contact with me and integrate himself into my life.In a signed court declaration the actress revealed that "delusional" Peyton had made her fear for her safety. Due to Mr. Peyton's delusional compulsion and increasingly harassing, stalking and threatening conduct, I have been subjected to a course of conduct which has and is seriously alarming, annoying and harassing me. Mr. Peyton's ongoing, ever-increasing, aggressive and harassing conduct are extremely distressing. I fear for my personal safety and that of those around me."

According to law enforcement, Peyton was also busted in 2008 in Pennsylvania for harassing a female neighbor. According to police docs from the 2008 case, Peyton told police, "You know that she loves me, her husband rapes her, she needs my help."

Peyton was eventually found not guilty by reason of insanity and was ordered to be hospitalized. It's unclear how long he remained under psychiatric care.

Now, Peyton is being held on a mandatory psychiatric hold for the Aniston incident. Once he's released, he must stay at least 100 yards away from everything and everyone associated with Jennifer Aniston. He must also not approach her staff, agents, managers and other representatives. A hearing on the order will be held on August 9.

Jennifer Lopez Enjoying Her 41st Birthday In Los Cabos

Jennifer Lopez is celebrating her 41st birthday and enjoying some downtime south of the border, spotted in Los Cabos, Mexico. She accompanied by security, the “Wedding Planner” babe took to the beautiful beach for a morning jog, followed by a relaxing afternoon with twins, Max and Emme, and some family members.

The Latin American beauty is also celebrating her 41st birthday, which is on July 24, and has canceled a concert planned for opening of the Cratos Premium Hotel and Casino in Cyprus.

According to the singer’s website, “Jennifer Lopez would never knowingly support any state, country, institution or regime that was associated with any form of human rights abuse.

Oprah Winfrey Offered Sarah Ferguson For Her TV Show

Britain’s Daily Mail says the billionaire media mogul, Oprah Winfrey, who is launching her own cable channel, the Oprah Winfrey Network, next January, reportedly has called Ferguson last week to arrange a deal and offered Sarah Ferguson for her very own TV show.

“Oprah made the call this week,” a source told the newspaper. They spoke in person and, for Sarah, the offer is a ray of light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

Oprah has known Sarah for some time and the Duchess went on Oprah’s show to explain herself after her most recent scandal.Oprah has always been impressed by Sarah’s ability to pick herself up and reinvent herself. Oprah said, “She feels Sarah will be someone viewers of her new channel will be able to relate to on many levels, she’s a divorcee, a working mother, someone who has made some very public mistakes and a woman who, like Oprah, constantly battles with her weight."

Oprah was impressed by Sarah’s ability to face up to her errors and to apologize publicly for them. Americans love people who reinvent themselves and Oprah believes Sarah can do that on the new network.

Sarah also believes her chances of finding meaningful work in Britain are negligible and she has always felt more accepted in America. And said, “The idea would be for her to be based in New York so that she could return to England regularly to see the Princesses. At the end of the day she needs to earn a living.”

Sarah was left red-faced earlier this year when was caught on video accepting money in exchange for a promise of business access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, who is a British trade representative.

Ivanka Trump Becoming A Fashion Mogul

Ivanka Trump has partnered with Marc Fisher Footwear to launch a collection of footwear. Ivanka Trump also plans to release a handbag line, both of which are set to hit stores in the spring of 2011. Susan Itzkowitz, Marc Fisher Footwear President, revealed that the prices for the shoes will range between $80 and $140 and will be sold in department stores in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Like her father, Ivanka Trunp has been mastering the art of deal brokering.

The daughter of Donald Trump who is already the designer of a successful jewelry collection, with plans underway for a footwear line is set to launch a handbag collection.

“Just concluded a meeting with my handbag partners,” Ivanka wrote on her Twitter page Monday. “The bags looking amazing. Ladies, you’ll love them. The line will be in stores next March.”

Ivanka who is married to newspaper owner Jared Kushner and he recently revealed she’s too focused on her work to become a mom.

"When our time to have a family comes around, I know I will compromise," Ivanka told People magazine in October last year. She also told "Jared and I both work long hours. And he is successful in his own right and very active in his work. Like my father, he encourages me to follow my passion for real estate.

Bollywood Lost A Great Comedian

Ravi Baswani, the popular Bollywood comedian, left for heavenly abode on last Tuesday (July 27). The 64-year old actor reported to have suffered a massive heart attack, when he was on a location-hunt in Shimla.

Ravi Baswani created a remarkable niche in the screen industry as a cult comedian. He is well remembered for his roles in films like ‘Chashme Buddoor’ and 'Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro', a movie which won him Filmfare Best Comedian Award (1984).

He became a household face after doing several TV serials and recently was seen in films like ‘Lucky-No Time For Love’, ‘Bunty Aur Babli’, ‘Pyar Tune Kya Kiya’ and ‘Yun Hota to Kya Hota’. According to reports, one of his forthcoming films is ‘Mastang Mama’.

Date of Birth: 29 September, 1946, New Delhi, India
Date of Death: 27 July, 2010, Simla, India
Award: Film-Fare Award in 1985 for "Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro"
Last Film: Monsoon (2006)

LeAnn Rimes And Eddie Cibrian In New House With LeAnn's Two Sons

LeAnn Rimes is moving into new house with her new boyfriend Eddie Cibrian along with her two children. They are going into their Los Angele's home. LeAnn's representative confirmed the news to, saying: "They're excited for this happy new journey.'' The representative also said that Eddie and LeAnn decided to live together at the lavish house in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley, after the actor's lease ran out on his home.
The singer and actress and the American hunk who have been dating since they met on the set of their TV movie 'Northern Lights' last year when they were both married to other people have decided to commit to one another.

They now plan to move into their new family home with Mason, seven, and three-year-old Jake who he shares joint custody with his ex, Brandi Glandville, over the next few weeks.

A source said: "It just made sense for them. Eddie's lease was up and LeAnn's home was bigger and already familiar to Eddie's sons. It's somewhere the kids know and it allows Mason to stay in the same school district, which was important to them, that there's continuity for him. They take moving in with the kids with a lot of responsibility. They want to make sure that it was done in the right way."

LeAnn finalised her divorce from her ex-husband Dean Sheremet last month, after the actress embarked on an affair with Eddie in early 2009.

Patrice Lumumba: First Prime Minister of the Congo

Photo of Patrice Émery Lumumba
(July 2, 1925– January 17, 1961)

Patrice Émery Lumumba (aka Patrice Hemery Lumumba) was born July 2, 1925 in Onalua, Katakokombe, Kasai Province in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. One of four sons, Lumumba was a member of the Tetela tribal group. His education included missionary school training. After completing his education, he passed the postal clerk exam and began to work in Kinshasa (then Léopoldville). In 1951, Lumumba married Pauline Opangu and they would go on to have five children: François, Patrice Junior, Julienne, Roland and Guy-Patrice Lumumba.

Photo of a youthful Patrice Lumumba in the Belgian-Congo

By 1955, Lumumba began to enter political life. He became a regional leader for the Cercles of Stanleyville and joined the Liberal Party of Belgium where he served as editor and distributor of information. While traveling in Belgium that same year, Lumumba was arrested by the colonial government police and charged with embezzling post office funds. In July 1956, Lumumba was released after serving 12 months of a two-year sentence.

By 1958, Lumumba had re-entered political life and began to organize for Mouvement National Congolais (MNC). In December 1958, he represented the MNC as president at the All-African Peoples' Conference held in Accra, Ghana, hosted by Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah.

Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and the Republic of the Congo

By October 1959, Lumumba was again arrested by the Belgian colonial government on charges of inciting anti-colonial riots in Stanleyville. He was sentenced to six months in prison for his anti-colonial activism. While in Lumumba was in prison, the MNC participated as a political party in the Belgian-Congo elections held in December of 1959. Lumumba was released before the MNC won the May 1960 election.

Lumumba, age 34 years old, was announced as the Belgian Congo's first prime minister. Joseph Kasa-Vubu was named president. On June 30, 1960, the country’s new leadership declared independence from the Belgian colonial rule. In an Independence Day ceremony for the newly named Republic of the Congo, King Baudouin spoke first, urging the Congolese to remain under the leadership of Belgium. Lumumba responded, in part, in his speech as follows:
"For this independence of the Congo, even as it is celebrated today with Belgium, a friendly country with whom we deal as equal to equal, no Congolese worthy of the name will ever be able to forget that it was by fighting that it has been won, a day-to-day fight, an ardent and idealistic fight, a fight in which we were spared neither privation nor suffering, and for which we gave our strength and our blood. We are proud of this struggle, of tears, of fire, and of blood, to the depths of our being, for it was a noble and just struggle, and indispensable to put an end to the humiliating slavery which was imposed upon us by force."
Unrest in the New Republic

Photo of Patrice Lumumba

Lumumba's speech became a media sensation in the West. Dissent within the army arose soon after Reports arose about military unrest, looting and European flight. By July 11, 1960, Moïse Tshombe declared himself the regional premier of the Katanga province. Tshombe was supported by the Belgian government and European mining firms with interest in rubber, copper and other minerals.

UN troops arrived, but did not move to suppress the Katanga rebellion. Lumumba soon sought Soviet military aid. President Kasa-Vubu, however, wanted a more moderate political approach and sought to remove Lumumba as prime minister. Lumumba declared the Presidential act illegal and sought Senate and Parliament action to declare President Kasa-Vubu‘s removal. The country was torn over the warring Kasa-Vubu and Lumumba political faction.
Joseph Mobutu’s Rise to Power and the Murder of Lumumba

Photo: A young Joseph Désiré Mobutu rolls up his sleeves
during a speech in December 1965 in Leopoldville, Congo

On September 14, 1960, Lieutenant General Joseph Désiré Mobutu (later known as Mobutu Sese Seko) organized a coup that deposed the divided nation. Lumumba was placed under house arrest, but he soon stole away to Stanleyville, organizing among his Haut-Congo supporters. On December 1, 1960, Lumumba was captured in Port Francqui by Mobutu’s troops and flown to Kinshasa (then Leopoldville).

The Soviet Union demanded his release and called upon the U.N. Security Council to act. U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld called for due process of law; on December 14, 1960, however, in a 8-2 vote, the Soviet Union's resolution was defeated. Lumumba was transferred to the Katanga Province under Mobutu‘s leadership.

On January 17, 1961, Lumumba was restrained and flown to Lubumbashi (then Elizabethville). That same day, Patrice Lumumba, Maurice Mpolo and Joseph Okito were reportedly lined before a firing squad, according to Belgian reports. No due process was afforded those executed. While various accounts are reported, the true nature and facilitators of his murder, however, have never been definitively explained.

Photo of Congo leader Mobutu Sese Seko conversing with U.S. President Richard Nixon

In February 2002, the Belgian government released an official apology to the Congolese people. In a thousand page report, the government admitted to failure of a "moral responsibility" and "an irrefutable portion of responsibility in the events that led to the death of Lumumba."

Lumumba’s Murder Leads to International Protests in Europe

After Patrice Lumumba's assassination, protestors clashed with Belgian embassies and local police in Belgrade, Yugoslavia and at Trafalgar Square in London, UK. Prior to Lumumba's imprisonment, he had arranged for his wife, Pauline, and their children to move to Egypt.

“ We must move forward, striking out tirelessly against imperialism," said Che Guevara in 1964, reflecting on the life of Lumumba. "From all over the world we have to learn lessons which events afford. Lumumba’s murder should be a lesson for all of us.”

That same year, Malcolm X declared Patrice Lumumba "the greatest black man who ever walked the African continent."

African Freedom Fighter and Pan Africanist

The heroism of Patrice Lumumba is embraced as a symbol of African independence efforts. In the 2006 election, a number of the running parties affiliated themselves with Lumumba's political philosophy. This includes the Unified Lumumbist Party (Parti Lumumbiste Unifié (PALU)), Mouvement Lumumbiste (MLP) and Mouvement National Congolais-Lumumba (MNC-L). The MNC-L is lead by Lumumba's eldest son, François Lumumba, who obtained a doctorate in political economics in Hungary before returning to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1992 to oppose Mobutu Sese Seko‘s rule of the country then known as Zaire.

In Kampala, Uganda, "Lumumba Hall" of Residence at Makerere University continues to carry the name of Patrice Lumumba.

Did You Know? The various formal official country names
for the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Congo Free State (État indépendant du Congo): 1885 to 1908. Belgian King Leopold II claimed personal ownership over the land
  • Belgian Congo (Congo Belge): 1908 - 1960. King Leopold II's formal transfer of property ownership to the state of Belgium
  • Republic of the Congo or Congo-Léopoldville: 1960 - 1964. Distinguish from its western neighbor in the Republic of the Congo, formerly French Congo
  • Republic of the Congo or Congo-Kinshasa (1964-1971)
  • Zaire (Zaïre): 1971-1997
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: 1997 to Present

George Washington Carver Exhibit Opens at Pink Palace Museum March 12, 2011

Museum Volunteers Wanted for the Upcoming
George Washington Carver Exhibit in Memphis

Volunteers who participate in the “George Washington Carver” Exhibit that will run March 12, 2011 - July 4, 2011 at the Pink Palace Museum in Memphis, Tennessee can share information on the life and work of an extraordinary man. Born into slavery, George Washington Carver used his gifts to become a groundbreaking scientist, educator and humanitarian. Volunteers will talk to students and visitors about crop rotation, organic farming, plant-based fuels, medicines and everyday products. They will broaden their own knowledge and be a part of making history, science and nature come alive for our visitors and the wide variety of students that come to the Museum.

Those wanting to make a difference supporting educational opportunities with children and families in the Mid-South are only required to volunteer two 3 ½ hour shifts each month during the George Washington Carver exhibit run, March 12 - July 4, 2011. We offer weekday or weekend volunteer opportunities. Volunteers can train on either Thursday, March 10 or Saturday, March 12 from 9 a.m. – 12 noon. To sign up as a volunteer, please email or call 320-6438 by March 1, 2011. To obtain a volunteer application or get further information go to our website:

Sojourner Truth: Slavery Abolitionist and Women's Suffragist

Image of Pamphlet Poster of a Sojourner Truth Lecture
(aka as Isabella Baumfree, Isabella Bomefree)
(Born: cir. 1797 - Died: November 26, 1883)

The exact date of her birth was not recorded. We only know that in the year 1797, among Dutch immigrants settled in the region now known as Ulster County, New York, an African child was born on the estate of Colonel Johannes Hardenbergh. One of 13 children born to Elizabeth and James Baumfree, she was given the name Isabella Baumfree. As the story goes, this name gave her no hint of her mission so years later she renamed herself Sojourner Truth. Her life was a testament to this mission as a truth-teller.

Early Life of Sojourner Truth among the Hardenberg Dutch Settlers

Sojourner Truth's parents, the Baumfrees, were African slaves on the Hardenbergh plantation in Swartekill, New York. She spoke only Dutch until age nine when she was sold from her parents care to one Englishman named John Neely. The harshness of both her Dutch and English slave-masters would be told by Truth in many of her later anti-slavery speeches across the new nation. She underwent a number of transfers between slave-owners and suffered what she described as cruelties that one dare not imagine against a young African girl child enslaved in America.

Sojourner Truth and Slave Life in New York

In 1815, Truth said she fell in love with Robert, enslaved on a different plantation. The relationship was forbidden by both slavers. The two stole away visits despite the demands that they do no see each other. Robert's slave-master, aided by his son, followed Robert on one visit to see Truth. She reported that Robert sustained "bruising and mangling [of] his head and face" and was dragged away. Truth had a daughter that she named Diane soon thereafter.

By 1817, Sojourner Truth had been sold to John Dumont of New Paltz, New York. she was forced to marry an older African named Thomas. They had four children: Peter (1822), James (who died young), Elizabeth (1825), and Sophia (1826). Truth said that she continued working for Dumont until she felt she had completed any obligation she may have had to him.

Photo of Sojourner Truth
"I did not run off, for I thought that wicked," said Sojourner Truth, describing her leaving with her youngest daughter Sophia from the Dumont plantation in New York , "but I walked off, believing that to be all right."
She soon set plans to secure her youngest son Peter who had been loaned by Dumont to another slaver who had then sold the five-year-old child to slave-owners in the State of Alabama. With the help of the anti-slavery Quakers, Truth filed a court petition in the State of New York pleading with the court to grant the return of her son. There was great anti-slavery in New York at the time, as the state legislation was passed in 1827 legally abolishing slavery.

Sojourner Truth won and her son Peter was soon returned to New York.

Sojourner Truth, Free Woman of Color in America: Abolitionist and Suffragist

Pamphlet Card with Sojourner Truth Photo

While living in the home of Isaac and Maria Van Wagenens, Truth had a life-changing religious experience. She started to speak in public assemblies. She became known as a gifted preacher. She joined the Progressive Friends, an organization established by the Quakers, which pressed forward the cause of abolishing slavery throughout America. Truth also became active in the Union's efforts during the Civil War. She helped enlist black troops. Her grandson James Caldwell served in the 54th Regiment, Massachusetts.

"In 1864, she worked among freed slaves at a government refugee camp on an island in Virginia and was employed by the National Freedman's Relief Association in Washington, D.C.," according to Women in History: Living vignettes of notable women from U.S. history. "In 1863, Harriet Beecher Stowe's article "The Libyan Sibyl" appeared in the Atlantic Monthly; a romanticized description of Sojourner."

At the end of the Civil War, Truth worked on behalf of the Freedman's Hospital in Washington through the Freedman's Relief Association.

In 1867, she moved to Battle Creek, Michigan. While unsuccessful in her efforts, for several years she lobbyed the U.S. federal government land in the Western states for former African slaves. Illness began to reduce her speaking tours. In 1879, she spent a year in Kansas city to help settling African migrants she called "Exodusters". In addition to racial and gender equality issues, Truth campaigned against capital punishment and called for temperance.

Image of Sojourner Truth

On November 26, 1883, Sojourner Truth was surrounded by her family at her death bed. She was 86 years old when she died surrounded by her family in Battle Creek, Michigan. She was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, next to her grandson's gravesite. More than 200 years later, her legacy as a truth-keeper continues to ignite the imagination of the new nation for which she found herself in service. Soujourner Truth lived during times of great change.

Image of observers at the Sojourner Truth statute in
Battle Creek, Michigan, USA
(Photo: Marydell/Flickr)

Photo: U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama applauds on April 28, 2009
at the unveiling of the Sojourner Truth bronze bust in Emancipation Hall in Washingtno D.C.
(Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta, AP)

"I hope that Sojourner Truth would be proud to see me, a descendant of slaves, serving as the first lady of the United States of America," said Michelle Obama at the April 28, 2009 commemorative ceremony unveiling the Sojourner Truth bronze bust by sculptor Artis Lane. "Now many young boys and girls, like my own daughters, will come to Emancipation Hall and see the face of a woman who looks like them."

Sojourner Truth's Famous Oration: "Ain't I a Woman?"

In 1851, Sojourner Truth gave her famous “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech before the Women's Rights Convention held in Akron, Ohio. Several ministers were in attendance. Truth rose from her seat and spoke the following words before the audience:
"Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that ‘twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what’s all this here talking about?

That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain’t I a woman?
Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman?
Then they talk about this thing in the head; what’s this they call it? [member of audience whispers, "intellect"] That’s it, honey. What’s that got to do with women’s rights or negroes’ rights? If my cup won’t hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn’t you be mean not to let me have my little half measure full?
Then that little man in black there, he says women can’t have as much rights as men, ’cause Christ wasn’t a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.

If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them.
Obliged to you for hearing me, and now old Sojourner ain’t got nothing more to say."

Henri Christophe of Haiti: King of the First Black Republic in the West

Painting of Henri Christophe, First King of the Republic of Haiti
(b. October 8, 1767 – d. October 8, 1820).
Little is known about Henri Christophe's (English: Henry Christopher ) boyhood. A great number of commentators report that he was born on Grenada island, a small nation in the Caribbean’s Lesser Antilles, and was the son of a freeman. His father, also named Christophe, was reportedly transported from West African or Central West Africa to Saint Domingue, the former French colony now known as Haiti.

The Early Adult Life of Henri Christophe

In 1779, Christophe served with the Franch Forces as a drummer boy with a regiment described as gens de couleur (English: people of color or color people) in the American Revolution. The gens de couleur regiment fought at the Siege of Savannah at what is now the State of Georgia. Nine years later, in 1788, Georgia would become the fourth State admitted into the original thirteen colonies of the United States of America. France had lent troop assistance to the revolutionaries against England during the American Revolution.

After the American Revolution, Christophe returned to Saint Domingue where he is reported to have worked as a billiard-maker, mason, sailor, stable-hand and waiter. He also managed a hotel restaurant in Cap-Français, then the capital of Saint-Domingue, that served the wealthy French slave-holders from the surrounding plantations.

Enslaved Africans at Saint Domingue Defeat France’s Napoleon Bonaparte

Image of Brigadier General Henri Christophe of Haiti

By August 1791, the Africans at Saint Domingue had rebelled against their condition under France's tyranny of chattel slavery. The name they would adopt for their new nation would be "Haiti", a word translated from the language of the native inhabitants as "land of mountains".

Christophe distinguished himself in the Haitian Revolution. While not as widely known as François-Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture -- the great military leader that secured native control over Saint-Domingue from the France by 1797 -- Henri Christophe had distinguished himself by 1802 to become L'Ouverture's brigadier general.

Christophe fought alongside L'Ouverture in the north against the French. This included fighting against Spanish, British and French troops, all of whom had a strong interest in suppressing an uprising on the vast slave plantations established by the European colonialist over the Americas and Caribbean.

By June 1802, L'Ouverture was captured by agents of Napoleon Bonaparte for France. He was deported from the island to France. The revolution continued, however. After 13 years of military battle between the French colony, the Africans would win their independence in the year 1804. They distinguished themselves in history as the first independent black republic in the West.

The North-South Civil War in Haiti: Alexandre Pétion and Henri Christophe

In 1806, Christophe and the Haitian general Alexandre Pétion overthrew Jean Jacques Dessalines. Subsequently, a short civil war broke out between Christophe and Pétion. By February 1807, Haiti was divided between Christophe whom had clear charge over the North, and Alexander Pétion who led the South of the new country.

Christophe was elected president and served in that capacity from 1807 to 1811. On March 26, 1811, Henri proclaimed Haiti a republic nation and himself King, securing the title of Henri I. He served as Haiti's king from 1811 to 1820.

Citadelle Laferrière: The Grand Fortress near Cap-Haïtien

Aerial Image of La Citadelle La Ferriere in Haiti. A legacy of King Henri I of Haiti.
Some pictures are worth more than a thousand words.
Henri Christophe is noted for his policy of construction and economic development in Haiti. Christophe was charged with transforming a slave-based economy into an effective and productive economy of a nation of newly freed people. While he improved the nations' infrastructure he is noted by some of the commentators for his labor policies which involved harsh work conditions and a transfer of a great amount of the wealth being controlled by the republic.

Photo of the Palace of Sans Souci in Haiti, commissioned by Henry Christophe in 1810 and completed in 1813.
A trained mason, Christophe is noted for the construction of Sans Souci Palace and the fortress near Cap-Haïtien called Citadelle Laferrière. He also built six notable châteaux and eight palaces in the region. The Citadelle Laferrière is described as one of the great construction wonders of the era. In 1842, a major earthquake destroyed part of the fortress.

By 1820, an insurrection had broken out in the northern region of Haiti and Christophe suffered an incapacitating stroke and reportedly shot himself.

Statue of Christophe Henri, King Henri I of Haiti, at Champs de Mars in Port-au-Prince
Today, Christophe is revered as a hero among the Haitians and many within the African diaspora. Christophe's statue was raised at Champs de Mars in Port-au-Prince.

Professor George Wilberforce Kakoma and the Uganda National Anthem

Prof. George Wilberforce Kakoma, musical composer of Uganda's national anthem

The exact date of George Wilberforce Kakoma's birth is not clear, but it’s believed that he was born between 1923 and 1925 in the Southern District of Masaka in Uganda and is a Muganda by tribe. Kakoma is credited with composing the national anthem of the Republic of Uganda.

There is something to be said about the role of a national anthem in galvanizing the spirit of a people newly formed as a nation. This is especially true for African nations during the period of rapid European decolonization. Kakoma's work is an example of the powerful role of music in developing national traditions and creating a sense of unity among people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

From 1894 to 1962, Uganda was ruled by Britain, which means it used to hoist the British Union Jack and used to sing the British National Anthem. As the struggle for independence intensified in Uganda, it became clear that the country was going to attain independence from the British Colonial masters and would need both a national anthem or a national flag that embodied its independence.

Image of national flag of Uganda

Prior to independence, a subcommittee for the creation of national anthem was set up. It was one of the three sub-committees established to deal with Uganda’s national symbols.

Professor Senteza Kajubi was the chairman of the committees. The sub-committee organized a country-wide publicity campaign for original compositions. Ugandans were encouraged to submit their pieces.

“The compositions had to be short, original, solemn, praising and looking forward to the future,” said Professor Kajubi.

Many people participated in the music competition but the committee was not satisfied. Prof. Kajubi decided to seek help from George Wilberforce Kakoma, then a renowned inspector of schools and a music teacher in Masaka District to “save” the committee because they did not have a national anthem.

Photo: Professor George Wilberforce Kakoma

According to Kakoma, a strange tune rang continuously in his head at night, disrupting his sleep. He decided to wake up and put pen to paper.

“I sat down and looked through what I had ciphered during the night hours. I worked on those ideas till midday.”

The events leading to the composition of the anthem were summarized in the 2008 case filed by Prof George William Kakoma, then a graduate of Trinity College of Music and professor at the Durham University in London, Prof. George W. Kakoma v. The Attorney General (Civil Suit No.197 Of 2008) [2010] UGHC 40 (30 July 2010). Kakoma sued the government of Uganda for not rewarding his efforts up to the time of the case filing and the non payment of royalties arising from the playing of the national anthem. The case in part provided the following:
  1. That early in 1962 an open competition for the composing of our National Anthem was advertised.
  2. That no conditions were attached to the would-be winning entry.
  3. That his was declared the winner.
  4. That he was given a token of Shs.2,000/= as a mark of appreciation.
  5. That a year or two later, the government realizing this was copyright material, wrote asking him to surrender his copyright to them.
  6. That he referred the matter to his lawyers who responded and wrote back to the Government demanding a fee of 5000 only before he could sign off his copyright. That the political turmoil that followed left the matter unsettled until Idi Amin’s regime came to power.
  7. That in January 1975 he went into self-exile with his family and taught at Kenyatta University until NRA government came to power in 1986, when there was the chance to have the matter raised again.
  8. That the Ministry of Justice took up the matter and presented a Cabinet Memo which was turned down on a flimsy ground that compensating him would create a precedent.
The melody was composed by Prof. Kakoma but the lyrics (or words) were composed by Peter Wyngard, Kakoma’s personal friend and a lecturer at Makerere Institute of Education.

The development and resolution of this legal case in Uganda's courts also demonstrates important developments of the application of the rule of law generally, and the recognition of intellectual property rights specifically, in Uganda.

The National Anthem of Uganda

Oh Uganda may God uphold thee,

We lay our future in thy hand,
United free for liberty
Together we’ll always stand.

Oh Uganda the land of freedom,
Our love and labour we give,
And with neighbours all,
At our country’s call
In peace and friendship we’ll live

Oh Uganda the land that feeds us,
By sun and fertile soil grown,
For our own dear land,
We shall always stand,
The pearl of Africa’s crown.
With special thanks, this post has been prepared in great part by Moses G. Byaruhanga, Esq., Advocate/Attorney at Bar, Shonubi, Musoke & Co. Advocates in Uganda.

Abd al Rahman Ibrahima Ibn Sori: From Guinea to the Mississippi Delta

Image: Abd al Rahman Ibrahima Ibn Sori (aka Abdul Rahman Ibrahim and The Prince)
(Born: 1762 - Died: 1829)

In 1762, Abd al Rahman Ibrahima Ibn Sori was born within a royal family, son of King Sori, in the village of Timbo in what is today known as the Republic of Guinea in the region of Fouta Djallon (aka Futa Jalon, lit. "the land of the Fulbe and Jalunke"). Ibrahima was born among the Fulbe (aka Fulani, Fula, Fullah, Foulah, sing. Poulas, Peul, Pullo) of the Timbo region. The Fulbe were primarily muslim cattle herders in this West African mountainous region where the Niger river rises and runs eastward. In fact, Guinea's mountains are the source of the Niger, Gambia and Senegal rivers, with its highest point at Mount Nimba.

Today the cool, mountainous Fouta Djallon region runs roughly
north-south through the middle of the Republic of Guinea.

According to the book Prince Among Slaves, written by Professor Terry Alford, the non-muslim Jalunke was the majority tribal group within the region where Ibrahima was born. According to Prof. Alford, conflict within the ethnically pluralistic Fulbe-Jalunke society occurred when the Jalunke leadership announced a declaration forbidding public prayer. Karamoko Alfa, the leading Fulbe cleric, declared jihad against the Jalunke for what was deemed a direct afront to Islam. A ceremonial slashing open of the Fulbe farmer's drums marked the beginning of this great West African war.

From Fouta Djallon to the Mississippi Delta

By 1788, at the age of 26, Ibrahima was a military leader within the Fulbe army when he was reportedly ambushed, captured and sold to slave traders. Ibrahima was shipped to the United States where he was eventually sold to a Natchez, Mississippi slaver by the name of Thomas Foster. Ibrahima's knowledge of agriculture operations and his leadership skills made him a central figure on Foster's cotton plantation. By 1794, Ibrahima married Isabella, also enslaved on the Foster plantation and would have five sons and four daughters.

As the story goes, one day Ibrahima was recognized by an Irish surgeon, Dr. John Cox, who had traveled to Timbo during his shipping ventures with an English ship. Cox was aided by Ibrahima's family for six months when he was stranded and fell ill in the Fouta Djallon region. Cox asked Foster to sell Ibrahima to him so that he could free him for return to his West African homeland. Mr. Foster refused. Cox petitioned vigorously on Ibrahima's behalf until his dead in 1816.

In 1826, a letter Ibrahima wrote in Arabic addressed to his family in West Africa was picked up by Andrew Marschalk, a local newsman who sent a copy to the federal capital in Washington D.C., to the attention of U.S. Senator Thomas Reed. Reed forwarded the correspondence to the U.S. Consulate in Morocco, assuming that Ibrahima was a Moor. Though Ibrahima was not a Moroccan citizen, Sultan of Morocco Abderrahmane was touched by his story and petitioned U.S. President John Quincy Adams to release Ibrahima from the institution of slavery.

The Prince Among Slaves Returns to West Africa

In 1828, Henry Clay, then U.S. Secretary of State, interceded on behalf of "The Prince", the name given Ibrahima by Natchez, Mississippi residents. Foster stipulated that he would grant Ibrahima's legal release from slavery only if he left without his family and returned to Africa. Despite the Ibrahimas' public speaking efforts to raise enough money to purchase freedom for their nine children before leaving for Africa, they raised only half of the money Foster required for the purchase.

At age 66, after 40 years in slavery, Ibrahima sailed to Monrovia, Liberia in 1828. He caught a fever and died at the age of 67, never making it to his native village in the Fouta Djallon. His wife Isabella was reunited with two sons and their families whose freedom and transport was financed by the Ibrahimas' funds. The remaining family in Mississippi was inherited by Foster's heirs and scattered across the South before further efforts could be made on their behalf. To his legacy, Ibrahima left behind the narrative of his full story, a rare gem within the legacy of the early colonial history of Africans in America.

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Brazilian Bikini Waxing - Hear the Real Story

Thanks to the popularity of waxing among models such as Naomi Campbell and actresses such as Gweneth Paltrow, Brazilian Bikini Waxing (BBW) has spread in salons and spas across the United States like wildfire. The Waxologists who paved the way for BBW in salons across the USA are the J-Sisters Salon in NY who services the celeb clients. In the late 90's magazines found out that hot celebs were getting this done, they went nuts about it, and so it boomed!

Where did it come from?

Well although Brazilians have the fame for it, history has it that the real origin is the Middle East. Brides would prepare them selves for their honeymoons by removing all pubic hair for their husbands to be on their special wedding night. Waxing in Brazil has been a long time practice but the Brazilian Bikini is more for hygiene and aesthetic purposes rather than sex in my opinion. Brazil is known for its beautiful beaches and yes it's very tiny bikinis. In order to wear such small sized bikinis, no one wants to show off a buz especially down there. So women get waxing done enough in the inner thigh area ( bikini lines) so that no hair be seen while they are lying on one of Brazil's many sunny beaches. So this also includes the back area known as the buttocks (haha). Think about it for a minute, if you had to wear one of those bikinis publicly, would any hair be sticking out? If your answer is yes, then you would need a Bikini Waxing- lol. Guess what though? In Brazil, most women do not go all the way and it wax it all off- ouch sounds painful. In Brazil it is done for a clean, fresh hygiene look now in a America it has taken a whole different outlook.

How did it get to the US?

Not to say that Brazilians do not also do this for bedroom intimacy also (they all want to look sexy and hot on the beach) but among Americans the "Brazilian Bikini Wax" has become known solely to satisfy one's mate. Perhaps a sexual fantasy, all I know is that more and more women contemplate it; fearing the pain but fantasying the results.. Let us face it, men do appreciate a well groomed woman, especially in bed. Both the full Brazilian or regular Bikini Waxing is very presentable and men do like it.


Waxing is the hair removal by applying hot or cold wax in desired hairy region and removed with a piece of cloth or plastic. Ever get tape stuck to your arm or a band aid by a hairy area and you prolong taking it off- but once it is done, you feel so alleviated- Getting a BBW done is exactly that. Bikini wax is the hair removal involving the bikini areas, the inner thigh and pubic hair region. Wikipedia defines it as "Brazilian waxing is a type of waxing involving the bikini area. This procedure involves the complete removal of hair from the buttocks and adjacent to the anus, perineum and vulva (labia majora and mons pubis). Brazilians do the bikini line, being very thorough of course so thorough that the inner buttock area joining the inner thigh is also done. Remember to be specific when going to get one done. Ask questions, get referrals from friends because finding a good waxologist is like finding a good hair dresser, or more like finding a good gynecologist since you are equally intimate ( well almost- no exams though).... Any one who says it does not hurt is lying through their teeth! It does hurt but as soon as you see the result you are so pleased that you come back for more.