Britney Spears shared the artwork for her new fragrance 'Radiance' on social network Twitter. The toxic singer is about to release 'Radiance' in conjunction with Elizabeth Arden is supposed to resemble exotic fruits and soft florals and expects to see this hit the shelves in September of this year.
It is the latest in a long line of Britney Spears perfumes released by Elizabeth Arden and she is obviously pleased with the new artwork, she revealed the latest artwork to the world saying ' Just got the imaging for my new fragrance Radiance and thought I'd share it with all my tweethearts:'
Other Britney Spears fragrances from Elizabeth Arden includes Circus, Curious, Fantasy and Believe.
It is the latest in a long line of Britney Spears perfumes released by Elizabeth Arden and she is obviously pleased with the new artwork, she revealed the latest artwork to the world saying ' Just got the imaging for my new fragrance Radiance and thought I'd share it with all my tweethearts:'
Other Britney Spears fragrances from Elizabeth Arden includes Circus, Curious, Fantasy and Believe.