The British actress, Kate Winslet, who announced her split from husband Sam Mendes earlier this year is said to have hooked up with British model Louis Dowler. And according Dowler’s rep at Elite Models in Toronto, Dowler is the polar opposite of Mendes. “He’s very charismatic,” the rep told People magazine. “Clients love working with him and he is a fabulous and talented guy.”
Louis Dowler works for the Select Model Agency. Dowler and Winslet reportedly met through mutual friends.
“Louis has been spending a lot of time with Kate recently and they were in New York together while he was shooting an advert,” a source recently told Britain’s News of The World newspaper. “They’ve been on lots of dates and get on really well. It’s early days for them but they enjoy each other’s company. They’ve been desperate to keep the relationship under wraps so they’ve been a bit low-key so far.”
Louis Dowler works for the Select Model Agency. Dowler and Winslet reportedly met through mutual friends.
“Louis has been spending a lot of time with Kate recently and they were in New York together while he was shooting an advert,” a source recently told Britain’s News of The World newspaper. “They’ve been on lots of dates and get on really well. It’s early days for them but they enjoy each other’s company. They’ve been desperate to keep the relationship under wraps so they’ve been a bit low-key so far.”
But they are trying to plan their diaries to make sure they can spend as much time together as they can. They hope to visit Cornwall together in the summer for a holiday.