Ravi Baswani, the popular Bollywood comedian, left for heavenly abode on last Tuesday (July 27). The 64-year old actor reported to have suffered a massive heart attack, when he was on a location-hunt in Shimla.
Ravi Baswani created a remarkable niche in the screen industry as a cult comedian. He is well remembered for his roles in films like ‘Chashme Buddoor’ and 'Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro', a movie which won him Filmfare Best Comedian Award (1984).
He became a household face after doing several TV serials and recently was seen in films like ‘Lucky-No Time For Love’, ‘Bunty Aur Babli’, ‘Pyar Tune Kya Kiya’ and ‘Yun Hota to Kya Hota’. According to reports, one of his forthcoming films is ‘Mastang Mama’.
Date of Birth: 29 September, 1946, New Delhi, India
Date of Death: 27 July, 2010, Simla, India
Award: Film-Fare Award in 1985 for "Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro"
Last Film: Monsoon (2006)